Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Well, you've officially participated in a talk show. Mark that off your bucket list. Larry Springer is done, and I don't know about you, but I really enjoyed it. A couple of general tips and observations after the last two days:
  • Guests, as a whole, you did a fabulous job of taking whatever question was asked of you and answering in a (relatively) diplomatic matter. Honestly, one of the best skills we could ever teach you for life is to be able to think on your feet and intelligently answer questions asked of you. Harvard, teaching jobs, working as a babysitter, getting a bank loan, wherever life takes you, you will be required to answer questions that may not make sense or may be difficult to answer on the spot. So good practicing during Larry Springer; I was very pleased!
  • Audience members, we had a number of thought-provoking, analytical questions, and overall, you crushed it. A few of you asked "yes" or "no" questions; on projects like this, we're looking for questions that require depth of thought. If the guest could (in theory, although they wouldn't, because GPA) answer with one word, try looking at the question from a higher level of thought. Instead of a "What" question, make it a "Why" or "How" question. 
  • So much use of the word "famine".
But seriously, wonderful job. We could tell that most of you had done your research extensively and taken time to write out detailed questions. We hope the last two days taught you a little about some of the most influential or infamous leaders of the 20th century.

Guess who this is?! Hint: not your parents in college. 
In case your Wednesday is lacking in adorableness, please check out this little girl who dressed up as BB8. I mean, seriously, that last picture?

"We will watch a movie or play with action figures and dolls and they say, 'I want to be this or that.' Nikki and I ask ourselves, 'can we make that? Or how would we go about constructing it,'" he says. "And then we just start."
Also, Mrs. Harris is awesome and sent us a Humanities Experience that some of you may be interested in attending in the near future, as in April 14-16 at UTD. On the website, it costs money, but apparently they are offering tickets free to Jasper students. They've heard of your awesomeness (or they just want young people). The play is called Woyzeck, which some of you may have heard of before because the story is also performed as an opera and a ballet.

For today's photo of the day, I honestly don't know where it is from, but a photographer entered this photo in Smithsonian's Photo Contest from a couple months ago, and it's so cool. He captured fireflies that synchronize their light. Bugs normally bug me (not to be punny), but I'll make an exception for these.
This looks straight out of a Disney movie. 
Have a wonderful day Hugemanitarians! Don't forget, CE and WHAP reading due manana!

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