Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Jerry! Jerry! Jerryyyyy!

As a teacher, there is nothing I love more than seeing you guys perform on group projects. Guests and audience members, fantastic job so far.

Some of my favorite moments from today:
  • Lucas yelling something weird about cats?
  • Ritesh's Bill Clinton hair and Raul's excellent Bush-isms. 
  • All the weird props...saxophones, jelly beans, you name it. 
  • Watching my more introverted students throw shade at their classmates (in character, of course).
  • Stanton singing Drake songs at Mao.
  • Garafola's 40's hurrr. 
  • "Sadaam" (Ali) threatening Stanton with his moustache.
  • George W. Bush's "Sorry, America can't control itself"

Jerry and his muscular crew would be proud.
Tomorrow we will continue with all of the talk show excitement, so if you didn't get a chance to ask a question (or answer one), we will wrap that up tomorrow. AND you have a (very brief) WHAP reading due on Thursday, pages 910-912.

In other news, Humanities Experiences are due next monday, so if you are still struggling for some ideas, there's a pretty cool-sounding exhibit going on right now at UTD by a local photographer named Roxy Carpenter. She's doing an exhibit called Posed Beauty, which "critiques idealized images of women found in advertising and social media", according to the website. Plus it's free and close...and we all love that. 

Pause for pancake round 2. Seriously, can anyone find a way to integrate pancakes into the Humanities curriculum so we have an excuse to make these and eat them in class?

I don't know why, but this makes me LOL. Also, I wish that kid was in my class. 
Today's photo of the day comes from one of the most underrated states...ALASKA! On Sunday and continuing into yesterday, the Pavlof Volcano in Alaska erupted, There's something strangely beautiful about volcanos, amidst all their destruction. Purty. 

Love you all. Have a wonderful Tuesday!


  1. What? What? Whaaaaaaat?
    Oh you weren't talking about me--nevermind D: awkward

    Next year should have a dedicated Pancake day!
    Talk about the cultural and intellectual changes of the Greco-Roman age and make it an excuse for making Alita Dolcia (Pancakes) in class! :/
    Or we can sculpt the grotesques/gargoyles out of pancakes--okay now I'm hungry

  2. Jerry, I totally named yesterday's blog post after you.
