Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Winter is coming... (I've actually never seen an episode of Game of Thrones, but that saying sounds foreboding as we get closer to the AP tests)

I've never seen the show, but I know this feeling. 
We're inching ever closer to the days of pain and suffering, or, as it is more commonly called, AP test days! I know a few of you are taking Calculus, but that's your fault. Next time, save yourself and just randomly cut off one of your hands; equally painful, less of a time commitment.
But, we do have AP Euro at the end of the week! Yee haw!
Siddiqui should wear her costume on test day!
EHAP people... we know you're going to DOMINATE. I am sure that the raw, uncut fear is starting to trickle into your bloodstream. By Wednesday evening, it will become a tsunami of abject terror. EMBRACE THE FEAR! Become one with it. Master it. You can do it!!!
I'm not really sure what happened there... I got a bit carried away. Anyway... good luck

Long division
As our schism rolls on, please remember to consult the calendar that corresponds to your life.

10th graders, you have your cram packet check coming up on Thursday. Yes, this is a daily grade, but, more importantly, we're trying to help you get ready for your test in about a week. So, maybe you shouldn't waste $92 of your parents money by blowing off the AP test as actually preparing.

9th graders, we hope you're enjoying the ELA Nirvana we have created for you. So much literature... so many feelz. I hope you enjoyed the short story you chose. They are personal favorites. Chekov loves to just mess with your head... bloody Russians. And, I'm pretty obsessed with magic realism. If you enjoyed the Gabriel Garcia-Marquez short story, I'd like to direct you to two of his novels. I cannot recommend enough 100 Years of Solitude. It is life changing as far as I'm concerned. It is unlike any novel I've ever read. I would also recommend Love in the Time of Cholera. It is excellent as well. 
How can you not want to read something by this guy? 
 A significant detour in our soundtrack this week. 
I know that Garafola will come after me for a typical patriarchal move by pre-empting a week of powerful female singers with an all male band. But... THERE IS NEW MUSIC FROM RADIOHEAD!!! It was all I could do not to pass out from joy in the middle of class today. You will literally become a slightly better person by just listening to this. And, of course, the video is twisted genius.

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