Wednesday, May 11, 2016

So close, yet so far

Sophomores, tomorrow is the big day...all that your WHAP-ness in Humanities has been culminating towards. You are ready. You have been diligent. You have been studying. You may look like this:

Michael Scott probably wouldn't pass his AP tests, but you will.
So take tonight and concentrate on the areas where you feel a little lost. Stay focused and diligent, and if nothing else, just find comfort in the fact that in 24 hours from now, you'll be done with the test and almost on to the weekend! YOU GOT THIS. We have faith in you.

Freshmen, today we wrapped up our comparison of poetry and rap by juxtaposing the themes of Tupac's "Dear Mama" and "Mother and Son" by Langston Hughes, who is AMAZING. Both poems express some of the turmoils of growing up in difficult environments and the effect a parent can have in fighting to get through those struggles. If you enjoyed reading "Mother and Son" and want to explore more of Langston's stuff, this is a really good resource.  He's such a talented poet who strongly evoked the spirit of the Harlem Renaissance, and I hope you are able to study him more as a junior. Don't forget to bring a black marker and old book/magazine/newspaper for tomorrow that you are comfortable destroying! 

In case you need a quick distraction, my best friend, Emily, sent me a link to my new favorite Tumblr (and by new favorite, I mean the only one I look at). It's called Children with Swag; if you think kids dressing like hipster adults are adorable, this is for you. I mean, come on, this girl is precious. 


Princess of the Playground
I think the look on her face says, "Mom, why did you force me to dress like a biker who's going to dance class?"

Good luck tomorrow sophomores! After you crush the test (or just give up), walk out of the room all fierce like this. 

Happy Wednesday friends! 

1 comment:

  1. *Comes to blog to take a break
    **Reminded by blog to concentrate
