Thursday, January 28, 2016

She blinded me with science!

Get it? Anyone? Hello...?
BOOM! Bout that science y'all! 
I know you all have plans to spend tonight looking up Einstein's theory of relativity, but I thank you for taking the time to stop by here for a minute or two. I hope it's worth your while.
I know we zipped through everything pretty darn quick today, but don't take that as an indication of how important scientific development is to modern history. It's pretty much EVERYTHING. I irony, of course, is that science seeks to answer questions and explain, yet we'll see that it has the opposite effect on so many people. Instead, science constantly undermines people's preconceived ideas and notions of reality. It is disorienting to say the least. Couple this relentless drive for scientific advancement with the 20th century's growing love of capitalism, and, as we'll see, things get a bit ugly.
Plus, disease yo.
Garafola won't be sleeping easy tonight.
Dwight. Just Dwight. 

Tomorrow, we'll explore one of the most impactful scientific thinkers in modern history... Mr. Kraft! No, wait, I meant, Sigmund Freud! This is gonna get weird. 

As we inch ever closer to the weekend, let's get funky with the Thursday soundtrack of old school hip-hop. Get crazy, y'all!

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