Monday, January 11, 2016

Coolies are cool...i


It feels like it's a whole new year since I last wrote to you. I know that you've been waiting with bated breath for me to return to my true passion, blog writing.

We hope that you did not miss us too much while we were gone today recruiting the next generation of Humanitarians. Every time we do this, I am blown away by HOW TINY MIDDLE SCHOOLERS are. I clearly missed the memo that my sized people were there at the middle school.

While we were gone, you did some reading about migrations! Migrating! People moving! Remember there are many many reasons people move, especially in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, including economic factors (it's thanks to the Irish potato famine the Baileys are here), political factors (the Garafolas are here due to fascism in Italy!), forced migration (such as African slavery and some migrants to Australia), and social reasons. And once people move, it can drastically change both where they are from and where they are going.

Lol, Irish potato famine:

Plus we get cool people like this guy, the former President of Peru, who is of Japanese descent:
Al Fujimori.jpg
Alberto Fujimori! President until 2000.
Also, very important concerning migration, is the reaction of the people where the migrants are heading. Very rarely are migrants welcomed with completely open arms. Just think of the migrant/refugee crisis we've been discussing through current events. Both here in the US and in Europe, many are becoming increasingly reluctant to let migrants in. (Oh, man, the patterns. MAYBE SYNTHESIS?!)

Tomorrow, we will be back (YAY!). You have Chapter 32 of your WHAP reading due. We will answer any questions you have regarding imperialism before we move on to discussing what is up in the Ottoman Empire and in imperial China.  Also, don't forget to be reading Things Fall Apart, your first part, chapters 1-6, are due on Wednesday.You also have a CE tomorrow! About Ted Cruz, one of your senators.

So what went down this day in history?!

  • 1776: Thomas Paine's Common Sense, which greatly influenced the authors of the Declaration of Independence, was published. 
  • 1920: The League of Nations came into existence. It sounds like a group of superheros! It wasn't. 
  • 1967: The first African-American senator elected by popular vote, Edward Brooke of Massachusetts, took his seat. 
  • 1984: The US and the Vatican reestablished diplomatic relations after a 117-year break. Did you know that the Vatican is the smallest country (population) in the world?!
  • anytime we can talk about bae, we do
  • 2003: North Korea announced that it was withdrawing from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Hence why they are trying to set off a hydrogen bomb. 
And today's social media to follow is....

The Curiosity Rover. As the rover takes on Mars, it tweets all about its adventures! Check it!

If you don't understand the reference, I am sad for you, but here you go...

Happy Monday friends.

- cbg


  1. ms. garafola is one of my favorite bloggers

  2. Use of the word "bated"! TWO, count them, TWO Ryan Gosling memes! Oops I Did it Again music videos! Garafola is back in full swing.
