Thursday, October 22, 2015

the third eye is always the creepiest eye


Today we discussed The Monkey King, one of China's founding epics. I hope you enjoyed the trailer for the film as much as we did. Have any of you seen it? Was it as epic as it looked? We know you didn't finish the assignment that went along with our discussion, but there will be time later next week to finish it, so don't lose it!

Tomorrow, instead of looking at Asian Art (don't worry, we will come back to it!), we are giving you a work day for your Explorer's Expo. USE IT WISELY!

When's it due....???? I KNOW YOU KNOW. The answer is Monday! Be ready to go when class starts. Also, if you are cooking, please wait until Sunday to make the food. Teachers have real bad insurance, so we can't afford to die from your food. :)

Wednesday, you should have the Economics of Violence reading completed. Be prepared to discuss!!

Tomorrow is also Group Picture Day, i.e. the 9th circle of hell. Let me give you some etiquette for group picture day:

  1. only come for groups you are in
  2. come quickly!
  3. sit. down.
  4. making faces will cause me to rage, kicking you out of the picture
  5. say something nice :)

This day in history time? I think yes. 
  • 1836: Sam Houston was inagurated as the first president of the Republic of Texas
  • was he this tall irl?!
  • 1954: West Germany joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
  • 1973: Spanish cellist, conductor, and composer Pablo Casals died in Puerto Rico. 

  • 1979: Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlevi, the deposed Shah of Iran, was allowed into the United States for medical treatment and the US refused to return him to Iran; this action led to the Iran hostage crisis. Which of course, led to the Ben Affleck movie, Argo. Fun fact, the Canadian ambassador, Ken Taylor, who helped some US workers escape (in the movie! and in real life) just recently passed away. There was an interesting NPR article about him that you can read here

Also, totally unrelated, these George Washington memes are totally making me lol.

Finally in honor of TBT, here are some super cute pictures of me as a kid. Check those bangs!

Have a wonderful Thursday! Cuddle up in the rain with a good book, or with the Economics of Violence excerpt!

- cbg

1 comment:

  1. Can I borrow that sweet striped turtleneck from your brother?
