Friday, October 2, 2015

Hurricanes, pirates, and plagues, oh my!

Flashback Friday!! In celebration, here is a compilation of cartoon theme songs from the 80's and 90's (this is legit my whole childhood...except it's missing Gargoyles...amiright, sophomores?).

Today in class we discussed test-taking strategies and reviewed some frequently missed questions from our last quiz.  Remember, if you would like to discuss your quiz with your teacher, please set up a time with them to do so.

In class we got to see your varying degrees of success with international trade.  You might have left class wondering what in the heck cochineal is, why we need so many paintings, or what a Hoppo is? As someone in one of my classes said, "everyone keeps taking all of our money". If you finish Chapter 22 quickly (lol wut), then try to game on your own and see how you do. 

"Now the whole country is unified, everywhere there is peace and quiet, Manchu-Han relations are fully integrated so I command you to go abroad and trade to show the populous and affluent nature of our rule.  By imperial decree I open the seas to trade." 
- Kangxi, Qing emperor

Canton ca. 17th c.
The end goal for the European explorers and traders was Asia.  While the English, French, Dutch, Spanish, and Portuguese benefited immensely from overseas trade, the people of Asia also saw this as a lucrative opportunity.  During this time period, Canton was designated as the center of all international trade during the Qing dynasty in China. This was the go to destination for Western states (literally...foreigners weren't allowed anywhere else in China) to acquire paper, porcelain, silk, paper, and all other luxury goods. Eventually the Chinese started manufacturing goods specifically for Western buyers (something we'll get into later this unit). The nerdy history teacher in me loves reading up on the Canton trading system.

Need a break this weekend? Try out some of the following websites:

  • Watch a pug lick your computer screen.
  • Create your own Jackson Pollock!
  • Like baby ducks? Watch a compilation of videos here
  • Watch this Ted Talk on finding a job you love. 
  • Find out if you're a nerd with this Buzzfeed quiz (sadly, I am not).
I leave you with some Harry Potter lols. 

Have a wonderful weekend, enjoy the weather, but you know...WHAP reading too. 

- Warrior Princess Siddiqui


  1. When that last part connotes that WHAP reading isn't wonderful :(

    Also, as a rant about class that day, Utilitarianism is philosophy too!
    (And actually would most likely warrant cheating because you're likely generating greater benefit overall. Tsk tsk encouraging cheating)

  2. check out this video
    -Carol Zeng seventh period
