Thursday, October 1, 2015

A Certain Shade of Green

With all of the festivities from today, we know several of you missed class.  So here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Current Event: Remember, when you are absent, the question is marked as "A" for absent rather than an "X" for incorrect in our grade sheets.  This means that we still drop two incorrect answers, but your CEs are worth more individually.  It is always acceptable to touch base with your Humanities teacher the day of a CE in the event of an absence to makeup the question if you'd rather not have this be the case. 
  • WHAP reading: On Wednesday evening you read a little bit about some economic and social changes occurring in Europe.  These changes are going to be imperative as we study exploration and global trade, so make sure you understand key concepts and vocabulary from the reading assignment and ask for clarification when needed!  We've also assigned your first full chapter out of the WHAP textbook due for Monday, October 5th.  Chapter 22 deals specifically with European exploration.  Make sure you pay attention to the 3 W's - who was exploring, where did they explore, and what did they acquire? It'll also be good to keep in mind how they were able to explore - ships, ships, and ships. 
  • Banned Books Short Story Assignment: In recognition of Banned Books Week, we are asking you to complete a very short written piece.  Students in class today were given time to complete this, but if you were absent, please take a look at the class website for the file, "Short Story Assignment".  This is due Tuesday, October 6th. 
If you took a look at the link above, you'll notice that one of the most frequently banned books is the graphic novel Persepolis.  We'll actually be reading excerpts of this next semester. So take that, Book Overlords! 

"The point is not to rank inflammatory books like game highlights.  It's to remind readers that information hasn't always been free, and that we have librarians to thank for its freedom."
- Maddi Crum, Huffpost

I think it worthwhile to keep the above quotation in mind as we discuss forms of media control during the Early Modern Age - whether it be the Index of Prohibited Book by the Catholic Church or the Ottoman Empire's refusal to embrace the printing press.  Pretty soon people (at least in Europe) will start asking questions...and we'll move into Enlightenment philosophy. 

If you enjoyed today's Pep Rally, be sure to check out the inspiration for the chess cheer routine. YouTube doesn't seem to have a clip for me to link to. 

And since it's Thursday,  here's a throwback to of Ms. Siddiqui's middle school jams. 

And if you enjoyed the Ed Sheeran/Taylor Swift quiz from earlier this week, here's one to determine whether you're more Donald Trump or Donald Duck. (I got Donald Trump).

- Warrior Princess Siddiqui

1 comment:

  1. I got Donald Duck! I think I fit in more with Disney than with politics anyways:p
