Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba


I hope you now have "Circle of Life" stuck in your head. You're welcome.

Side conversation. Much of the music for The Lion King was written/performed by Elton John. Earlier this semester in Euro, I found out that many of you DON'T KNOW WHO ELTON JOHN IS. I can't. I MEAN SIR ELTON JOHN IS A LEGEND. So listen to some tunes below:

Ok back to the regular conversation.

Today in class, we discussed Sundiata, the African founding epic. Hopefully you understand both the story and the importance of the griot. In case you didn't get to watch it in your class, here is a modern day African griot doing his thing:
Remember, even though sometimes, especially when it comes from the lit book, the lit things we do in class seem more fun and easier to understand, they are still test-able, so ask questions if you don't get something!!

The rest of the week, the fun continues. Tomorrow, you have some WHAP pages on Asia due and on Thursday you need to have read The Monkey King (on the site!), one of China's founding epics.

Monday your explorer's expo IS DUE. Don't not do it, the repercussions will be many.

I don't have any articles Stanton hasn't deemed CE worthy to post today, but I do have two very exciting announcements:

1. Star Wars tickets went on sale yesterday! In case you don't know, Mr. Garafola is a die-hard Star Wars fan; we have many framed posters and several copies of the entire series at our house. We will be attending a showing right after school on Friday - when are you going?
i will be dressing up for this. 

2. Gilmore Girls is being revived by Netflix!!! Guys, this was like my youth. Rory Gilmore is only two years older than me, so I only figured out how to do high school/college because of her. I was devastated when the show ended without many things being resolved, BUT NOW IT WILL BE. GLORIOUS DAY! If you've never seen this show, the entire thing is on Netflix. Watch it, watch it all. 
Me. For real. 

Finally, some this day in history:

  • 1803: The Senate ratified the Louisiana Purchase and we were all able to enjoy Cajun food and Zydeco music
  • 1803: The Senate ratified the Louisiana Purchase and we were all able to enjoy Cajun food and Zydeco music.
  • 1944: General MacArthur returned to the Philippines, 30 months after he said "I shall return."
    what a ba.
  • 2011: Col. Muammar el_Qaddafi is killed by rebel troops in Surt, Libya, his hometown. This is part of the reason Libya is how it is today and why so many smugglers can work out of the country bringing refugees into Europe. 
  • 2015: minus 1 day. Totally hot Justin Trudeau is elected Prime Minister of Canada. Meet our new neighbor to the north, he is kind of a babe:

Hope you had a little less stressful Tuesday, what with that DBQ behind you!

- cbg

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