Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Mark Cuban called...

He wants his TV show back. Today you were assigned the latest and greatest Humanities project for this six weeks; if you were absent today, make sure to get a group when you come back. We're excited to see your creative marketing skills shine as you persuade us to invest in your product or revolution. If you need a little help with your sales pitch, Jimmy Kimmel made an appearance on Shark Tank to solve a problem that I know has been on the forefront of American minds: the absence of pants for horses. Watch and be inspired.

In case this wasn't enough brilliance and you need more ideas, this girl thinks she has the formula for how to pitch an idea to the billionares on Shark Tank. See if it works on your Humanities teachers.

Everyone knows that Parks and Rec is the greatest show ever. Take this quiz to see if you are Leslie Knope or Ron Swanson (you know who each of the Humanities teachers would be). Now get back to Chapter 28, cause that's due tomorrow.

For today's photo, we are going to travel to the Tian Shan mountains in China...the wind and water erode the mountain range, which turns the land these stunning colors. PRETTY.

Texas, why are you so flat...why you no look like this?!?

Peace out girl scouts. Have a wonderful rest of your day! 


1 comment:

  1. Random WHAP joke:

    What did Napoleon do with the Iberian peninsula?

    Concordat (Conquer Dat)
