Tuesday, May 31, 2016


I think this will about do it. 
It's Exam Week
I'm under no illusion that anyone is actually reading this this week. I mean, c'mon, you're staring down the front end of a soul crushing amount of testing. No one has time for this sort of tomfoolery. But, like British during WWII, I will press on. But first...
That's right! BRING. IT. ON. 
Speaking of Bring It On, you know what always makes exams better? SPIRIT FINGERS!

You Can Do It!
In the spirit of exam week, we hope that you are studying, but also not going into full melt down mode.
Maybe a little too close to home, eh?
Remember, exams = important, but not exams = your reason for existence. Study, take these tests seriously, but, gosh darn it, get some sleep and take a break from time to time.
Besides, sophomores, you have to switch out all your Jasper green and white for West blue and black. YOUR WHOLE WARDROBE HAS TO CHANGE!

This Week's Soundtrack
This is a no brainer (like you at the end of this week! Ha!)
Weez gonna go with songs of the summer! Let's get started on your soundtrack for maxin' and relaxin'.
We'll start with a perfect summer chill vibe courtesy of my main men, DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince (you know him better as Will Smith). Here is "Summertime".

1 comment:

  1. I'm under no illusion that anyone is actually reading this after graduating from Jasper High School. [ :( ]
