Monday, May 16, 2016

I'm so sad and alone and my girl left me, but I got this guitar


I've been working on the beginning of my blues song....thoughts? 

Today we began our discussion on Blues and Jazz, the most truly American forms of music. Both are formed from musical traditions from African American slaves in the American south. 

Some questions from today you should be able to answer: 

  • What elements from traditional West African music are present in African-American music such as the blues and jazz?
  • What role(s) did music play in the lives of slaves in early American history?
  • What are some of the early forms of music from the slave communities of the south
  • How would you define blues music?
  • Where and out of what community were the blues born? 
  • What are some basic characteristics and elements of blues music? 
  • Who are some of the most seminal blues artists? 
  • What are some of the different “styles” of blues music? 

Fun fact, my family is from Mississippi. My dad, specifically is from Cleveland, Mississippi, often considered to be the home of the southern blues. In Cleveland, there is a Blues Trail that you can travel which takes you to some of the important venues and areas of early blues. If for some reason you are ever in the state, check it! (Freshmen, maybe summer road trip for the humanities experience?). My grandparents lived off Highway 61 and there are plenty of Baileys for you to hang out with while you are there.

Because he grew up there, my dad had a desire to be a rock/blues singer/guitar player when he grew up. He even had a band named Mother Zeus. Instead, he became a geologist. 

me, my mom, and the guy who wanted to be a rock star
Finally, because of this guy, my love of blues is all encompassing. There is so much Blues in modern music (talking about you The White Stripes, Leon Bridges, and the Black Keys), but old style blues are the best. A few (7?) years ago, my dad and I got to see the legendary B.B. King (who passed away last May). He was. AMAZING. Y'all check his music....

my pic of BB King. So legendary. The guitar playing. For days

mine is : Sticky Foot McGee. Seems accurate

Tomorrow, we will continue our conversation about the blues and then discuss the equally important other African American music genre, Jazz. Bring your notes back! 

This day in history? I THINK SO. 

  • 1770: Marie Antoinette married the future King Louis XVI of France.
  • cause homegirl never said "Let them eat cake!"
  • 1946: The Irving Berlin Musical, Annie Get Your Gun, opened on Broadway.

  • 1975: Japanese climber Junko Tabei became the first woman to summit Mount Everest.
  • baller
  • 1991: Queen Elizabeth II became the first British monarch to address the United States Congress. 
Finally, for social media for you to check out, I bring you the Twitter handle @starringjohncho. It is a twitter handle that aims to bring the lack of Asian actors/characters (non-sterotypical ones) to light by photoshopping actor John Cho into the posters of movies in which the stars were white men. Pretty great, if you ask me! Yay for more representation in Hollywood! Also, I love John Cho!
Instead of Matt Damon...


- cgb 

1 comment:

  1. My blues name is Big Harp Jenkins, which I request to be called for the rest of the year.
