Monday, May 9, 2016

Can't Stop the Feeling...of stress.

Happy Monday friends!

This is no ordinary Monday. It is the Monday to mark all Mondays, because it is the week of your AP tests. Many of you have already dominated AP Euro and Calculus (although why anyone would willingly take Calculus is beyond me...don't tell Mrs. Zhong I said that). Whether you've already entered intense stress levels or not, you're probably about to hit them in the next day or two, so just keep your head up and focused. We know this week will feel incredibly long and exhausting, but it will be five days and then it will be over. OVER. So focus and embrace the stress. Relish it. YOU GOT THIS. And if you need a pep talk, you know where to find me (and you know I'll actually do it).

The philosophy of studying. Avoid fire. 
Cookie dough is always good for stress. It's how I survived finals week in college. 
Freshmen, tomorrow, your "I am Waiting" poems are due...Stanton and I are so excited to see what you all come up with. Today, we continued our study of poetry by exploring the idea of an elegy, or a poem to honor someone who has passed away. Talking about elegies always reminds me of my favorite of all time, "O Captain! My Captain!" I guarantee you will read this in AMSTUD, so I won't ruin it for you. Just know it was written for Abraham Lincoln and provides the backdrop for one of my favorite movie scenes of all time (from Dead Poet's Society)...

See! Poetry is everywhere!

In case you weren't aware, JT, the myth, the legend, the wearer of broad-brimmed hats, and so much more, has come out with a new song. Honestly, if I could advise anything to you while you study for AP tests, it would be to take a three minute study break and dance like no one is watching to this song. Seriously. You have no idea how helpful a good dance break is for the brain. Try it and see.

You can do it friends! Keep on working hard.

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