Friday, November 11, 2016

Let my people go!

Today we continued our notes over Judaism, and some classes made it to Christianity.  Here are some key things to take away from class so far:

  • Abraham is considered the founder of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and while the three share some similarities, they do break off in their respective narratives 
  • Abraham established a covenant with God, creating a relationship that transcends through his descendants 
  • The Jews were living in Jerusalem until the Romans destroyed Solomon's temple, causing the Diaspora, where Jews moved to other areas such as North Africa and Europe
Below you'll find my favorite song from The Prince of Egypt, an animated movie from 1998:

We hope you make your way through your lengthy WHAP reading this weekend! 

Some Internet funnies for your weekend:

So awkward...

Seriously. Why so dark!
Presidential goals.
If some of you felt suckerpunched by the reading check yesterday (periods 5-7), here are some Humanities Experiences to try out soon:

Have a great weekend!

- Ms. Siddiqui

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