Tuesday, September 8, 2015

I'm sorry that people are so jealous of me... but I can't help it that I'm so popular.

Yee-haw Labor Day! We hope that you enjoyed your three day weekend. Let me just say that I am so happy we have a day set aside to honor mothers and all they go through giving birth.

So, today in class we looked at quite a few super groovy and extravagant buildings. Remember, these buildings are more than just impressive... they are carefully designed instruments of the state. By creating palaces, religious buildings and other significant pieces of architecture, leaders were able to communicate to their subjects the full authority and power of the state. In many ways, palatial complexes like Versailles and The Forbidden City are living crystallizations of how these governments saw themselves and their relationship to the larger world. We hope you saw some things that impressed you. We also hope you get to one day visit these places and possibly subject people to your vacation selfies as we've done to you.

We'll be wrapping up our theme of state consolidation the rest of this week with a small group assignment. Next week we'll be back in the art world exploring the Baroque movement in European art. If you like drama and over the top theatrics, this is your kind of art.

Speaking of art, keep an eye our for Humanities Experience opportunities. THEY ARE EVERYWHERE... like Roloefs.

Here's your musical soundtrack for Tuesday:


  1. What will the movie during block lunch tomorrow be about?

  2. I need access to all of Stanton's music
