Tuesday, September 22, 2015

And it's because she's lost her looks that she's a prude


I don't care what anyone says Mme. Parnell's lines are my fav. I mean my goal in life is to get old and say whatever I want and then have everyone just be all "she can't help it, she's so old." Mme. Parnell is my hero.

Me, in the future. 

Also me in the future:

Today, we answered any points of confusion over Tartuffe, discussed the discussion questions (where I learned y'all were so cold-hearted, no pity for Orgon), and began a bit of work on characters and their relationships. 

Tomorrow, you should expect a multiple choice quiz-lette over the play. It will be 50% of you Tartuffe major grade; the other 50% will be the mini project that is due on Thursday. 

Also, guys, the end of the six weeks is nigh, so if you have ANY makeup work, you need to get to it! No more procrastinating! That's for senior year, not now!

I don't have anything cutesy to add today, so here are some things that happened this day in history!
  • 1862: Abraham Lincoln issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, proposing to free all slaves of rebel states as of Jan. 1, 1863
  • 1792: French republic proclaimed. If you are in Euro, then you know how cray those French are.
  • 1989: Songwriter Irving Berlin died. Here is one of his songs for your listening pleasure:

Have a great Tuesday! Almost halfway through the week!! And Tuesdays mean TACO TUESDAYS. Mmmmmm. Perhaps it will be a Rusty Tacos night at the Garafola's.

Lol, Carlton.

- cbg


  1. This makes me want to eat tacos while watching Downton Abbey.

  2. Uzma, this sounds like a perfect Tuesday night.
