Thursday, February 23, 2017

China is so awesome!

Totally forgot to blog yesterday. My b. Happy Thursday! One more day before the weekend! I've got some exciting plans to grade and grade.

Today in class we assessed your knowledge over your Cross-Cultural Exchanges charts (if you were absent, please touch base with your teacher) and then celebrated China's Post-Classical achievements in the form of song. Here's the link we had you look at today in case you were interested in looking up additional information:

There are a couple of things to take away from all of this:

  • Changes in commercialization and the use of paper money helped facilitate trade in the Post-Classical Age.  Those of y'all who read the "Commercialization" article will have noticed that Marco Polo himself was shocked at the amount of boat traffic on the Yangzi River.  Everyone wanted to trade...all the money!!!
  • Textiles like silk were considered luxury goods because of the labor intensive process used to manufacture it.  Your average, everyday peasant wouldn't wear silk clothing. 
  • Changes in technology also help to facilitate trade during the time period - ships and compasses enabled China to be a large presence in the Indian Ocean, rivaling the influence of the Arabs. 
  • The increased cultivation of rice led to a population increase and created a new food staple for other Asian peoples.
  • The AP exam likes for y'all to know a handful of commodities exported, examples of new technology, and the effects of trade (population growth, cultural diffusion, financial tools, etc.)
Remember to pace yourselves with the Americas reading and your projects due a week from today!

Enough about school are some memes to help you relax on your evening of no homework!
Don't do it, dog! 
We ain't got time!

Awkward every time.

How dare you besmirch China this way!
And finally, in celebration of the Oscars this weekend, I'll leave you with my favorite movie of the year, which unfortunately wasn't nominated for anything (except for Production Design) - Hail, Caesar! by the Coen brothers. It's not your conventional comedy, but if you like dry humor, it's recommended!

Until tomorrow!
- Siddiqui

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