Thursday, September 8, 2016

Hey y'all (not "guys")

Wow - so plenty of discussion with the Current Event today! A lot of really cool things were shared and it was really nice having an open, honest, positive, and meaningful conversation about things like cultural appropriation, systemic racism, and political correctness.

So after the CE (which tbh took like more than half the period in some classes), we answered any questions you might have had over your charts. Don't forget - a key was uploaded to the website.  You'll be assessed over this information next Thursday, so you have quite a bit of time to get any more questions out of the way.  We'll also chat with you next week about the format of the quiz.

We used whatever time we had left in class to talk about migrations in the Ancient time period. Migrations occur throughout history and even to this day.  In a nutshell, people migrated for FOOD.  Hanger can make people do many things...including moving to the other side of the world.  The following migratory patterns were discussed (the corresponding handout is already on the website):

  • Southeast Asians into Oceania
  • Indo-Europeans into Europe and South Asia
  • Bantus into the southern part of Africa
How do we know these migrations occurred? Archaeological evidence and the spread of language. 

Tomorrow we're going to work on some writing practice and looking at some primary sources.  

If you're looking for something different to do this weekend, Klyde Warren Park in Dallas is playing Captain America and there is also a Chocolate Festival going on (wut?).  Neither of these count as a Humanities Experience, but they sound fun. But if the Map Check didn't go so well, you can:
  • Check out the Pocket Sandwich Theater and throw popcorn at the actors!
  • Watch a performance at the Cox Building Playhouse in Plano
  • Listen to a free lecture about the history of Jews in China at UTD

Since I'm super excited about seeing Death Cab for Cutie in concert for like the 5th time next week, I'll leave you with Codes and Keys from their album of the same name.  How can you not melt at the sound of Ben Gibbard's hauntingly beautiful voice??

Some Internet lols...
We know who you are

Seriously, banana, you're gross...go home

I legit need this dog in my life

Totally my cats
- Ms. Siddiqui

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