Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Cubans, colonialism, and collaboration

Today's 8th Current Event was apropos, considering our coverage of the Cold War in class.  President Obama is the first U.S. leader to visit Cuba in 88 years.
Awkward handshakes ftw
Here are some fun facts about Cuba:
  • Cuba has a 99.8% literacy rate, the highest in the world
  • Fidel Castro is a huge fan of the Beatles and commissioned a large statue of John Lennon
  • The U.S. pays Cuba over $4,000 a month to rent land for the maintenance of our prison at Guantanamo Bay, but Cuba has refused to cash any of the checks (will this change after the president's visit??) 
  • South Korean soap operas are popular in Cuba
In class today you should've made significant progress on your decolonization posters.  These need to be completed by tomorrow; you will have a few minutes to get last minute things glued or written down before we take them up for a grade. 

Don't forget - you have a little bit of WHAP reading (pgs. 892-896) due tomorrow! Get ready to tear down the Berlin Wall! 

Finished with your posters and the reading? Here are some websites to try out:
  • Learn a new language
  • Super into documentaries? Watch a bunch of them here
  • Want some encouragement on making stronger passwords for accounts? 
  • Watch a puppy licking your computer screen
  • Like rubber ducks and wish they were everywhere?
  • Create art out of circles
Some Internet funnies:

- Warrior Princess Siddiqui

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