Monday, August 31, 2015

Is anyone else craving Indian food?

Today we dove headfirst into our first official unit - studying how Early Modern states consolidated power and expanded their empires. How about dem Mughals, huh? Hopefully your brain is filled with so much knowledge, you just can't even. Hey, remember that one time you killed your emperor's chief minister out of jealousy, so he threw you out of a palace window, but you didn't die, so he did it again? At least he had some nice swag with him on his way down. Anyway, this isn't the last we've heard of Akbar the be continued...

Today's PowerPoint was uploaded to our class website earlier today so you (1) can take a look at anything you might've missed and/or (2) have a copy ready for class on Wednesday when we finish taking notes over the Ottoman Empire.

We're now into the second week of school, so you're having to juggle multiple things for this have a Current Event for tomorrow, reading out of the WHAP textbook for Thursday, and the newly assigned Map for September 14th.

If all of this is stressing you out, just take a deep breath, visit this website as a de-stresser, and get back to work.

Since my classes got to hear about my super adorable and sassy grandmother, I thought I'd post a picture of her, just for fun, of course. But technically my family is descended from the Mughals, so it's relevant for class...maybe? She likes eating paan, giving hugs and kisses, and mocking my inability to speak Urdu fluently.
<3 Granny Siddiqui
- Warrior Princess Siddiqui

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