Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Who wants a stuffed ocelot?

We hope everyone had a lovely three day weekend.  I know we often gripe and complain that these extra days "off" are usually used for school work, but I'm sure it's nice to have an extra day to catch up on school work without, you know, school itself getting in the way.

Ah, Surrealism, you cheeky art movement! As Europe struggles to bury its dead, so too do they put away their traditional art.  The rattling machine gun fire and whistling artillery shells left humankind with one question - What have reason and rationality done to us?

Our Surrealists sought to capture the unconscious, an idea brought to light by the psychologist, Sigmund Freud, with their dreamlike paintings. What's wrong with painting a human face over a bowl of fruit set in front of the landscape of a mountain that is actually a dog? Nothing, is what the Surrealists would say. Of course, the man of the hour is the great Salvador Dali who basked in his weirdness.

"Each morning when I awake, I experience again a supreme pleasure - that of being Salvador Dali." - Saldvador Dali
"There is only one difference between a madman and me. The madman thinks he is sane. I know I am mad." - Salvador Dali
Interview with Salvador Dali in 1965

Your homework for the week includes reading pages out of your WHAP textbook about the Russian Revolution of 1917, the Great Depression, and the rise of totalitarianism in Europe.  Consult your calendar for the pages.  This needs to be completed by next Monday, February 22.

Hopefully you got a Humanities Experience in today if you needed one! Anything H.E. related from this point forward will count for the 5th six-weeks.

And now, for some Internet funnies.

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