Monday, October 26, 2015

A deluge of rice and tea

ATTENTION: Due to the scheduling change with the football game now on Wednesday rather than on Thursday, we are going to build in study time on TUESDAY for Thursday's quiz.  Please bring any review materials and/or questions with you. 

It started off as an ordinary Monday - the skies were still grey from the effects of hurricane Patricia passing through Mexico, and students stockpiled themselves into the Library early in the morning as they attempted to literally add last minute touches to their presentations.

Everyone in Dallas as they waited for the rain this weekend.
And then the other storm hit.  The food storm, that is.

Humanities teacher after Humanities teacher was assailed with cinnamon, cardamom, rice, hummus, quinoa, tea, and even wasabi (I broke my Don't cry in front of the students policy today).

Still don't know what the fox said, but now we know about the red panda.
We hope everyone felt good about the projects they turned in today.  The purpose was to assess your understanding of a particular Early Modern state as they came into contact with the Europeans.  We're about to move into a time period where the balance of power is going to shift heavily in favor of the Western states.

Many things are happening this week, so make sure you're staying on top of things.  Here's a quick rundown:

  • Wednesday: Class discussion over the Economics of Violence
  • Thursday: Quiz over 4.2 & 4.3
  • Friday: Arts & Crafts Day! Please bring your own scissors and glue sticks...our stash was inadvertently misplaced. 
Also, your Humanities Experiences are due a week from today! Just a friendly reminder that we will still have two reading assignments due next week, so it might be a good idea to get an H.E. out of the way even if you don't need to right now. Below you'll find some suggestions for things to try:
  • Cinemark West Plano - The Met Opera's performance of Tanhauser by Wagner on this Saturday, October 31st at 11:00 am.
  • SMU Meadows Museum - Check out Diego Velasquez's portrait of the infanta Margarita (also featured in his work, Las Meninas)
  • UTD - The Best of Broadway VIII: Lights, Camera, Action! free musical performance on this Saturday, October 31st from 8:00 to 10:00 pm. 
And since we didn't get the flood that we were predicted to have - I give you one of my favorite music videos from the 90's by Blind Melon - No Rain. And you all now have a Halloween costume idea.  You're welcome. 

- Warrior Princess Siddiqui

1 comment:

  1. Dude, the kids are idiots if they don't comment about the bestness of Blind Melon's "No Rain"
