Monday, September 14, 2015

Orange Mocha Frappuccinos!

Welcome back on this lovely Monday! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and brunched and Netflixed to their heart's content. Personally, I hope you enjoyed the insanely perfect weather that graced our presence this weekend. It made me feel like I was back in Colorado (sigh)...

Today we sped through a myriad of activities. Firstly, we took a map check, which I'm sure you aced, right? We spent the rest of class introducing and discussing point of view. This was one of the many many times we will go over POV this year and next, so don't worry if you're still a bit confused!

Don't forget to read your P&P article for tomorrow, either the PDF about Akbar and Elizabeth or Kangxi and Louis XIV (Team Elizabeth all the way). IF you would like, you may print out your own copy and mark all over it to prepare you for the graded discussion tomorrow! We also have a 2X current event, or two questions over the same CE article. Double trouble...or should I say double Trumple...

Okay, REALLY bad joke. Moving on to the more important things in food.

Since it feels so amazing outside, here are some amazing fall breakfasts to make this week to inspire you to hop up and get ready for an amazing day. Because if there is one thing better than fall, it's why not combine them? You're welcome. I myself will be inhaling the Brown Butter Pumpkin Seed granola and Sweet Potato Breakfast skillet...nom nom nom. After you make one of these amazing breakfast dishes...hop in the car with your friends and drive yourself to school all like this-



  1. Except that the car ride above ends in catastrophe! D:

  2. Why didn't you put the Wham song that goes with that scene on here too? Wake me up before you GO GO!

  3. Priorities (In order from least to greatest)
    5. Schoolwork (Other than select classes)
    4. Bio Test Tommorow
    3. Current Event
    2. Humanities Reading
    1. FOOOOOD!!!!!!

    (On a related note, Why Humanities, Why?!)
