Friday, January 13, 2017

It's called a lance, hello...

Don't know that reference? Watch A Knight's Tale; I don't care how inaccurate it is!

Speaking of knights and lances, today in class we introduced...wait for it...the MEDIEVAL FAIRE! You will be donning your best Medieval garb, drawing your swords, and dueling it out between your period's two houses to defend your Lord or Lady. This is one of my fondest memories from two years ago, and I'm so excited to see what you guys come up with. We started the process of signing up today, so if you missed class, be sure to let your teacher know so they can get you signed up! We'll also have a work day in a couple of weeks before the actual fair. Let the jousting and awkward medieval dancing begin! Here's a scene from A Knight's Tale to get you inspired, although I'm pretty sure the Dark Ages didn't have fist bumping or David Bowie.

Sorry today's blog is a little of the Fridays, but have an AMAZING three day weekend! Hope you get to rest and stuff your face with pancakes and get a head start on your timeline and reading! :)

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