Tuesday, October 4, 2016

To YOLO or not...that is the question

Guess who's back...back again? Siddiqui's back...tell a friend! I apologize for the lack of entry yesterday, but I'm here today!

So a lot happened in class today. Just to recap in list form, because lists are the best:

  • We made a few modifications to your new reading out of the Literature textbook (also scanned and uploaded to the website) over the Mahabharata.  The pages, which were printed incorrectly on your calendar, should read "563-570" and are now due Thursday, October 13.  This is the same day your projects are due, so plan accordingly!
  • CE #11! Just one more left. If you don't see a 100 under CE by tomorrow, bring your A game for the last question this Thursday.
  • We ended up taking a reading check over your WHAP reading...if you missed class today you'll need to schedule time with your teacher to make that up.
  • We concluded class by looking at some sources on Hinduism (online for your convenience).  These visuals and passages of texts were aimed to help your understanding of the religion and also to make note of commonalities we'll see with other religions (prayer, meditation, religious architecture, pilgrimages, etc.)

We'll dig a little deeper into Buddhism on Thursday, but in the mean time, here are some sayings to reflect on (because Buddha is DEEP):
You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger. 
The mind is everything.  What you think you become. 
It is better to travel well than to arrive. 

I told some of my classes about a Kleenex commercial that reminded me of the values of Jainism:

Hey, guess what? Words for Nerds is due this Thursday! You've got two more days left to come up with some highbrowed definitions. Hopefully this assignment hasn't caused you any vexation. Maybe you're a factotum who excels in many areas and this comes fairly easy to you. But if you waited too long, this might have caused a kerfuffle in your schedule for the week. Either way, we hope that this is a serendipitous pursuit for everyone. 

I'm going to see Band of Horses tonight so I thought I'd leave you all with this:

- Siddiqui

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